Dental Implant Bone Grafting: How Does It Help?

Dental Implant Bone Grafting

Dental implants are today’s gold standard for replacing missing teeth, offering results that closely mimic the appearance and function of natural, healthy teeth. However, their success depends on having adequate bone density in the implant area. If you are experiencing bone loss, Dr. Schilling, our experienced prosthodontist at Main Street Dental Smiles, may recommend a bone graft. Our goal is to ensure you enjoy the many advantages of implant dentistry.

Why Would You Need a Dental Implant Bone Graft?

Several factors may necessitate a dental implant bone graft, including having a missing tooth for an extended period, bone infection or defects, acid erosion, deep decay, or cracked teeth. Bone loss can also result from untreated periodontal disease or poorly fitting dentures. Additionally, you may require a bone graft if the bone in the area is too thin, short, or weak to support a dental implant.

What Is the Dental Implant Bone Grafting Process?

The first step in restoring your candidacy for dental implants is a consultation with our skilled and experienced prosthodontist. Dr. Schilling will evaluate your smile’s unique needs to determine whether you have adequate bone density and quality to support your implant. If not, she may recommend a dental implant bone graft to build up the bone in the area for the success of your future implant procedure. 

Your bone implant procedure involves transplanting bone tissues to the targeted area. Dr. Schilling may recommend a synthetic, ceramic, animal-based, polymer, or even autologous bone graft, meaning your own bone tissue. She will discuss the pros and cons of each option and help you determine the one that’s right for you. 

The bone grafting process is a simple surgical procedure we perform at our Whitesboro practice under local anesthesia. It involves making a tiny incision in your gum tissues to access the bone where we place the sterile bone grafting material. Soon, your body will begin to rebuild new bone around the graft, leaving you with a solid foundation to support a dental implant. 

Why Choose a Prosthodontist for Your Dental Implant Bone Grafting Needs

Choosing a prosthodontist for your dental implant bone grafting procedure will ensure you receive the highest level of care and expertise. Prosthodontists are specialists who undergo three years of rigorous training after dental school, focusing on the restoration and replacement of deficient or missing teeth. Their advanced training equips them to handle the most complex cases with skill and expertise. Our experienced prosthodontist, Dr. Schilling, uses the latest technology and techniques to deliver natural-looking functional smiles. 

Dental Implant Bone Grafting Near Me in Whitesboro, TX

If you are considering dental implants to restore your smile’s health and function, contact Main Street Dental Smiles to schedule a consultation. If you require a bone graft, you’re in good hands. Dr. Schilling and our dedicated team are committed to providing our valued patients with exceptional, compassionate care. We invite you to call us at 903-564-3451 to schedule your appointment or book one online today!

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