Grinding Your Teeth at Night? We Can help! 

Grinding Your Teeth at Night? We can Help

Do you wake up with a headache, a sore jaw, or neck pain? If so, you may be one of the many people suffering from sleep bruxism. Main Street Dental Smiles is pleased to offer custom mouthguards to prevent the devastating effects of teeth grinding on your smile. You’ll wake up feeling rested and ready to take on your day!

What Is Bruxism?

Bruxism is a common condition that affects millions of people. It is characterized by clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth in your sleep. Bruxism can result from stress, worry, crooked or missing teeth, or an abnormal bite. Most people are unaware of the constant grinding and clenching of their teeth, but the effects on their oral health and quality of life tell a different story. 

Here’s a look at the signs and symptoms of bruxism:

  • Worn, chipped, or fractured teeth
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Gum recession
  • Neck, face, or shoulder pain
  • A painful jaw or temporomandibular joint (TMJ disorder)
  • Morning headaches and earaches
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Daytime fatigue

How Can a Mouthguard Help? 

The best and most effective way to protect your teeth and manage the symptoms of teeth grinding and clenching in your sleep is wearing a mouthguard known as a night guard or nocturnal bite plate. The oral appliance fits over your teeth, similar to a retainer. 

Wearing a mouthguard helps provide a cushion, reducing the pressure exerted on your jaws. It also helps provide a protective barrier between your upper and lower teeth, minimizing the impacts and symptoms of bruxism. 

What Are the Types of Mouthguards?

There are different types of mouthguards available to you, including the following: 

  • Stock Mouthguards: These pre-made mouthguards are available over the counter and come in different sizes, ready to wear. They don’t usually provide a snug fit, may be uncomfortable, and rarely provide adequate protection for your smile. 
  • Boil and Bite Mouthguards: These customizable mouthguards are placed in hot water and then molded to your teeth. They provide a better fit than stock mouthguards, but they also tend to be bulky and uncomfortable. 
  • Custom-Fitted Mouthguards: Custom mouthguards are made from impressions of your teeth, providing a comfortable and perfect fit. They are made from high-quality materials and provide the best protection for your smile. 

How Should You Care for Your Custom Mouthguard? 

It is important to take good care of your mouthguard so that it continues providing protection for your smile. We recommend cleaning it daily with a soft brush and mild soap, denture cleaner, or non-abrasive toothpaste. Rinse it well before and after each use and keep it safe in its protective case. Make sure to bring your mouthguard to your future dental check-ups so we can ensure it stays free from damage. 

Mouthguards Near Me in Whitesboro, TX

Visit Main Street Dental Smiles to learn more about safeguarding your smile with a custom night guard. Dr. Schilling and our dedicated team are committed to helping you manage your bruxism symptoms and enhance your quality of life. We invite you to call 903-564-3451 to schedule your appointment or book one online today!

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