How Do I Know If I Have a True Dental Emergency?

Emergency Dental Appointment

Dental emergencies often happen when you least expect them, and they can be painful and frightening. At Main Street Dental Smiles, caring for your oral health and wellbeing are our top priorities. We offer same-day appointments and are fully prepared and equipped to provide you with the emergency dental services you require. If you experience a dental emergency, contact our Whitesboro office immediately for an appointment. 

How Do You Know If You’re Experiencing a True Dental Emergency?

To determine whether you’re experiencing a true dental emergency, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you have severe, persistent tooth pain? Severe pain is usually a sign of an emergency.
  • Do you have a knocked-out tooth? Prompt treatment can potentially save a knocked-out tooth. 
  • Do you have a loose tooth? Loose teeth, even without pain, require immediate care.
  • Are there signs of an infection? An abscess or swelling of the face can indicate a serious, potentially life-threatening condition requiring immediate treatment. 
  • Is there heavy bleeding from your mouth? Uncontrolled bleeding from the mouth is a serious emergency, sometimes requiring a trip to the emergency room. 

In general, any dental problem requiring immediate care to relieve pain, stop bleeding, control an infection, or save a tooth is considered a true dental emergency. 

What Should You Do if You Experience a Dental Emergency?

When it comes to dental emergencies, prompt treatment may be the difference between saving and losing a tooth. Please contact our office as soon as possible for an emergency appointment. If your emergency is life-threatening, please call 911 immediately. 

Tips for Caring for Common Dental Emergencies

Dental pain can be severe and may indicate a serious infection. Rinse your mouth with warm water, floss to remove any trapped food, and use over-the-counter pain medication for relief. If you have an abscessed tooth or facial swelling, a cold compress can help. Make sure to contact us as soon as possible. 

Another common dental emergency is a knocked-out permanent tooth. Rinse the tooth, Hold the tooth by its crown and avoid touching the root. Rinse it with clean water and gently return it to its socket. If that’s not possible, place it in a container of milk and seek emergency dental care right away. A knocked-out tooth that’s treated within an hour of injury has the best chance of being saved. 

Other common dental injuries include loose, chipped, cracked, or fractured teeth. Collect any pieces of the tooth, if any, and bring them to our dental office. Place a cold compress on the area to relieve any swelling or pain. If there’s bleeding from the mouth, gentle pressure will help control it. However, if you or a loved one have uncontrollable bleeding, please head to your nearest emergency room.

If you are not sure whether you’re experiencing a dental emergency, we encourage you to contact our office. We will assess the situation and provide you with guidance to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Emergency Dentistry Near Me in Whitesboro, TX

If you or a loved one experience a dental emergency, your trusted team at Main Street Dental Smiles is here to help. We are fully equipped and prepared to provide the urgent dental care needed to relieve you of pain or save a damaged tooth. You can count on us for exceptional care and service. 

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